Archives for January, 2016

Poe: To the Mime in Us All

I saw in the news this morning that today marks the 171st anniversary of Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘The Raven.’ I understand how and why many people recognize ‘The Raven,’ but it makes me sad. In many ways, the raven has become synonymous with Poe. His name is mentioned, and someone inevitably says, ‘Nevermore!’

Taking the Lead

What does it mean to take the lead in a relationship? After a couple decades of poor male social stereotyping producing a generation or two of guys who are too subdued to actively and aggressively pursue women, there now seems to be a swing in the reverse, with guys stepping up and taking the lead […]

Mysteries in the Stars

Most often in my personal investigation articles, I like to explore new ideas in natural and social sciences that I’ve yet to carry to the formal level. This article will be a bit different. This time, I’m investigating something that, as a scientist, has intrigued me for many years, but something that is highly controversial […]